Our web site, www.wilsonforsup.com is set up to take tree tube orders in bundles of 25 tubes.
But what happens if you need 32 tubes – does that mean you have to buy 50? Not at all! Unlike many tree tube companies who force you to order from pre-packaged quantities, we are happy to sell any quantity of tree tubes, from 1 to 53 to 674.
That’s because we have a rare asset: A warehouse crew that is willing and able to count!
What happens if a “pallet” of 4ft tree tubes is 700 tubes and you only need 680 – does that mean you won’t get the pallet price break? Not at all. We are happy to palletize any quantity of tubes that make sense to ship via freight rather than FedEx ground.
And if you want 440 tree tubes with PVC stakes we’ll put those on the same pallet (stakes fit neatly inside the tubes) and those stakes will ship virtually for free… you don’t have to pay to ship two pallets.
How can you place on of these “oddball” orders? Just give us a call at (507) 301-5106 or email us at chris@wilsonirr.com and we’ll be happy to help.